About Rotator Cuff Tears


The rotator cuff is a group of muscles in the shoulder that keeps your arm in the shoulder joint and allows it to move properly. A rotator cuff tear is an injury to one or more of the tendons in the shoulder that causes the tendon to separate from the bone.


A rotator cuff tear can happen as the result of an acute, traumatic injury, such as a forceful pull or a fall. However, rotator cuff tears are more frequently the result of prolonged stress on the tendons - these are called degenerative tears.


Diagnosing Rotator Cuff Tears


Symptoms of a rotator cuff tear include:


  • Pain and weakness when lifting the arm
  • Cracking or grinding sensation in the shoulder when moving the arm
  • Night pain or discomfort when lying on the affected shoulder


Examination by an experienced physician is important to properly diagnosing and treating a rotator cuff tear. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and examine the structure and performance of your shoulder joint. You may also require an X-Ray or MRI to understand the magnitude of injury present.


Treatment Options


  • Nonsurgical treatment is typically the first course of action, and in many cases, is sufficient to restore function and range of motion and eliminate pain. Your doctor may recommend rest, activity modifications, medication, and/or physical therapy.
  • Surgical treatment is typically used only when nonsurgical treatment has been found to be ineffective. Surgery may also be considered to speed the recovery timetable for athletes or patients who rely on lifting overhead in their job. This can be performed using minimly invasive and athroscopic techniques.


Schedule a Consultation With OSMC


OSMC’s physicians are experienced in treating rotator cuff tears. A consultation with one of our surgeons is the first step to becoming pain-free and improving your quality of life. To schedule your consultation, click here.