What is a SLAP Tear?


A SLAP tear is an injury to the top part of the labrum, a ring of cartilage surrounding the socket of the shoulder joint. This is like the rim of a golf tee. A SLAP tear (Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior) typically occurs at the point where the bicep tendon attaches to the labrum. The tendon can be impacted by the injury as well.


A SLAP tear can occur as the result of acute trauma, such as a fall or a forceful pull of the arm, or as the result of a gradual wearing down of the labrum over time.  It is a very common injury in throwing athletes.


Diagnosing SLAP Tears


Symptoms of a SLAP tear include:


  • A locking, popping, or grinding sensation in the shoulder
  • Pain and reduced range of motion in the shoulder particularly overhead and reaching
  • Pain when lifting objects overhead
  • Noticeable decrease in strength
  • Loss of velocity or control in throwing athletes. This is sometimes termed “dead arm”


Examination by an experienced physician is important to properly diagnosing and treating a SLAP tear. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and examine the structure and performance of your shoulder joint. You may also undergo an X-Ray or MRI.


Treatment Options


  • Nonsurgical treatment is typically the first course of action. Your doctor may recommend rest, lifestyle modifications, medications, injections, or physical therapy to treat a SLAP tear.
  • Surgical treatment is sometimes necessary when pain and symptoms persist. Arthroscopic surgery, a minimally invasive technique that uses small instruments guided by camera, is usually sufficient. Your surgeon will discuss surgical options and help you decide on the best course of action.


Schedule a Consultation With OSMC


OSMC’s physicians are experienced in treating SLAP tears. A consultation with one of our surgeons is the first step to becoming pain-free and improving your quality of life. To schedule your consultation, click here.